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How to get rid of clogged nose.How to Clear a Stuffy Nose

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In addition, sinus congestion and stuffiness can affect the pressure in your ears and cause popping, clicking or crackling sounds. The feeling of fullness in the ears can be annoying and you may also have a sensation that there is water in your ears. To deal with nasal congestion, most people reach for over-the-counter nasal sprays.

But there are disadvantages to using chemical substances. To begin with, these sprays are drugs, so they come with side effects and can be addictive. The simple technique I present in this article is based on acupressure.

It uses gentle pressure to four points of the face to help you clear your stuffy nose fast. After going through the above four acupressure points three times, you should feel immediate symptom relief. For best results, repeat the procedure again after 10 minutes. The described technique is simple, safe, can be done anywhere and anytime, and comes at no cost. It is also a good and empowering experience to be able to use your own body to heal yourself.

If successful, pass it on, and help other people control and use their bodies better, too. You can also use natural remedies to get rid of stuffy nose and you can read about them in my post about the best home remedies for blocked or stuffy nose.

Try to use a Neti Pot — see my article about the best remedies for sinus infections. I felt 1st point which you shared had maximum releif to me well it may depend from person to person.

I am really trilled after this…… Thank you once again Sudarshan. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! THIS REALLY REALLY WORK ED FOR ME…. THANK AGAIN SO SO SO MUCH. Nasal drip can result from various things like cold and flu, allergies, sinusitis, cold weather, certain medications etc. You can try this acupressure technique or use saline nasal sprays or nasal irrigation such as a neti pot to flush excess mucus, bacteria, allergens, and other irritating substances out of the sinuses. Also a humidifier can add moisture to the air, which relieves the irritation in the nasal cavity.

Nasal drip usually clears up on its own, but you need to see your doctor if it persist for more than 10 days or if you have other symptoms like high fever or sinus pain which may be a sign of an infection. I just want to share how my father cured his nasal drip, you might laugh but it worked, he was told to wear Bereai in cold weather, because he was going bald it was the cold on top of his head.

Just thought I would share it might help someone. I like to use facial cupping to clear my sinuses and I use it on my clients as well. Thanks for a great article! Point one hurt because my nose is so raw and point three was really tender and kept popping for some reason.

Nose is still stuffy and now my ear is crackling when I move my jaw certain ways. I wonder if xylitol gum would work for you like it did for me. Xylitol is supposed to help the eustscian tubes drain and that relieved me of serious sinus and ear problems. I got this kind of gum at Whole Foods. I had the same issue at first. I covered my raw skin in Vaseline. I just kept doing the pressure points gently and by the end of the day I really did feel better.

I also just packed my nose full of Kleenex while at home allone so I would not have to wipe it anymore. The Vaseline helped a lot. This works awsome!!! This actually worked and I was able to close my mouth and breathe thru my nose and I was blown away how simple and effective it was.

Do you offer a book on natural remedies and if so I would be seriously interested in one please! It is located in the upper right hand site or at the bottom in certain mobile devices. Thank you so much for your tips on blocked nose. i tried the 4 steps and repeated a few times and after less than 10 minutes I was able to breath normal and sleep like a baby. after hours of trying to sleep it was a breath of fresh air to find your article. thanks again its great to find something that really works.

These acupressure points gave me immediate relief! Thank you so much. I have often used this technique along with a nasal rinse to subdue nasal issues. This technique along with a good round of nasal rinses has always work for me.

I find it much more effective than most nasal sprays. For a dry nasal I recommend using saline spray as it is just sterilized water and does what nature intends water to do. thanks for a great article. Holy cow! This worked. I can breathe again! Without coma inducing NyQuil! Thank you!!! Great Article! They of course want to avoid medications while pregnant. Use it on myself as I have allergies. But in fairness, I just saw a ENT doc the other day, and he said I have a malformed septum?

and surgery might might! God bless. It sounds like you have a deviated septum. Most people do, but some people have it severely like me. You just want to make sure that you are older then sixteen so you have a better chance of breathing better. Hope this help, and try doing a little research on septumplasty and its risks. Good luck. Doing these techniques instantly helped, although it seemed only for a few minutes at most. Some parts of his brain i think is inactive and we make all test for all his senses all are perfects , but we need something like to activate some parts, i dont know what to say just i wait for any advice!!!

Thank you very much!! Surprisingly this worked! Thanks so much for sharing this my blocked nose has been there for days now been using Vic to help me breath but this is so much better feel great I can breath throw my nose seriously it really works good note sleep for me thanks again for sharing.

Now I can sleep peacefully. Thank you! I have been doing this for a few years when I would get a stuffy nose and it works wonders! This method works great and often times works better than cold medicine alone!!

Thanks for sharing!! This technique actually works!! I am desensitized to allergy meds so this natural method is a miracle worker! Thanks for sharing! OMG this worked. I am so thankful for whoever wrote this article.

Thanks so much…. After 2 nights of sleeplessness, I prayed that I would find something to help me. Very soon I found this website and boy did I fall asleep very fast last night with a clear nose for the first time in 6 weeks. It has come back a little bit, but I am doing the exercises to regain that feeling of being able to breathe again.

Thanks a lot… it cost me nothing and worked wonders. Any one got any other tips to effectively unblock noses within a few minuets without purchasing anything so I can just unblock it at school or something.

Any tips? I had a really stuffy nose and within seconds like magic it worked Thanks for sharing this info. It really worked for me. I got an instant relief from my running nose. Especially the 1st and 2nd points are effective! Thanks a lot! You can refer to my article about The Best Home Remedies For Sinus Infection.

This just happened to pop up in my pinterest feed as I am dealing with a nasty cold. I tried it and immediately can breath again. Thank you for sharing!


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