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Venus Retrograde Calendar Dates, Astrology Online.楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア: Retrograde Venus - Part II - Himanshu Shangari -

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Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Eager for insights into what to expect in the love department next year? Today, we're sharing The AstroTwins' Venus forecast from their complete Horoscope guidebook. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and luxury, lending its decadent energy to every zodiac sign for three to five weeks each year.

Who will we fall for and how? Venus sets the global vibe, determining whether we'll pull tarot cards for each other in bed Pisces or conduct a relationship entirely by TikTok Gemini. To wit, lions Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck revived their PDA-fueled "Bennifer 2. Every 18 months, Venus turns retrograde , which happens this time 'round from December 19, , to January 29, During this cycle, Venus is changing its "on-screen" time from evening to morning.

In the middle of the retrograde, Venus disappears from view as it makes an inferior conjunction to the Sun. This year, the rebirth of Venus happens on January 8, which might bring a major perspective shift around love! Approximately two weeks later, Venus reappears, glittering in the sky at early dawn.

The ancients thought Venus was two separate planets and thus has two Greek names: Phosphorus, "the bringer of light" for her morning star cycle, and Hesperus, "the star of the evening," for her evening phase. Venus retrogrades are not always easy. They can exhume ghosts of relationships past or provoke sudden ghostings just when connections are heating up. Ultimately, these cycles help us recalibrate our settings so that we can make better choices in the future.

Better make that your New Year's resolution ASAP! Just like Mercury, Venus bookends the year in the sign of Capricorn , setting a serious tone for love in Are you sick of playing around? Longing for a partner who can go the distance? Tired of having that same old argument? That's great, but first, how about a little introspection? Venus is retrograde as kicks off—a cycle that begins on December 19, , and lasts until January 29, Backspinning Venus holds up the mirror.

You attract what you put out there. Your relationships are a reflection of your own inner world. If you want to turn the tide, the change starts with you…not them. That's not to say you're stuck doing all the work! Overfunctioning is another shadow expression of Venus retrograde in Capricorn. That exhausting behavior tends to make others retreat and become even lazier! The "givers" of the world may need to rein it in and stop enabling their underfunctioning partners. Fortunately, tenacious Venus in Capricorn loves a challenge.

You may feel incentivized to put in the effort, and hopefully your partner does, too. January could bring some uncomfortable or downright agonizing tests for couples. But if you are both committed and willing to push through, you can create a lasting sense of security. Even if everything's copacetic on the surface, check in: Are your life goals aligned? If not, how can you change the structure of your relationship to support one another's objectives?

Maybe one of you takes on a second job while the other goes to school for a semester, or you pool resources to buy land. You might hit the last wall and decide on a trial separation. Whatever the case, you'd be wise to get everything out on the table before January It helps that Venus lingers in Capricorn until March 6, giving everyone a chance to process the retrograde's grueling lessons.

Does it feel like you're perpetually single—and not exactly loving it? Upgrade your criteria. We all have a lusty animal living inside of us, longing for bodice-ripping passion. Nothing wrong with that! But if chasing "your type" has thus far led to more heartache than heat, expand your palate. Add more sustainable "Capricorn" qualities to the menu such as reliability and financial security. And those who boast this superpower are probably living unbalanced lives.

Rather than giving in to bouts of romance addiction, try this: Commit yourself to a passion project in early Throw the same devotion you had for a Tinder thirst trap into making art, raising funds for a community-based organization, or helping your sister plan her 40th birthday party.

When you keep yourself busy and happy, the idea of coming home to a loving, consistent mate could suddenly become very appealing. Do you have a "one that got away"? You may get a second chance with someone who drifted out of your life—or meet someone who has your old flame's hottest and coldest traits. Venus retrogrades can make you behave quite out of character.

You might even act out a hidden fantasy, one that may or may not have been better left to the imagination. Do your best to keep a clear sense of boundaries because "going there" during Venus retrograde can wreak havoc on relationships. Dating became a literal health risk. It was the scariest kind of spring fever imaginable. But Venus' full circuit through Gemini from April 3 to August 7, brought hidden blessings.

This sapiosexual cycle favored intellectual stimulation and thought-provoking conversation—basically what flirting looked like in Gemini also rules mobile devices and written communication. During the months when texting and videosexting were the safest path to erotic fulfillment, it certainly helped to have Venus logged in to this digital domain. For couples, Venus retrograde in Gemini pushed difficult dialogues to the surface.

Many fractured bonds hit the breaking point, which freed the lovelorn to find more fulfilling alliances. For other lovebirds, a healthy new communication style emerged. Venus only visits one of five points on the zodiac wheel during its full retrograde cycle of 40 years. And every eight years, the love planet retrogrades back to the same position on the zodiac wheel minus degrees. If you were to trace the outline of these "hotspots," they actually make the shape of a star. It's true! Even while retrograde, Venus still dazzles us with her attention to beauty and detail.

During these eight-year occurrences, old issues with love and money may arise or even repeat themselves through a new set of circumstances. You may feel like you're going through a familiar test—or being similarly blessed, depending on what happens! Couples may revisit an unresolved sticking point or rediscover something they loved doing together. Unexpected expenses may crop up, forcing you to reassess your values and find joy in delayed gratification.

Check your calendar: What was happening from December 21, , to January 31, ? That was the last time Venus was retrograde in Capricorn and similar cycles may emerge at the beginning of Know when to set the right mood—and how—with the power of Venus.

Boredom is the enemy when this planet sashays through a fire sign Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Invite your love interest on a spontaneous adventure date, packed with surprises. Introduce yourself to someone who intrigues you. Then show that you can be equally dependable when Venus moves through responsible earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Cook meals together, run errands for each other, and make life more pleasant and easy all around.

Give the nice ones a chance to woo you! When Venus cruises through air signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius , get out for some playdates! Make plans with other couples or let friends fix you up for meet-cutes. Draw the drapes and cuddle for those intimate water sign Venus cycles Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces , perfect for deepening your bonds.

Excerpted from The AstroTwins' Horoscope by The AstroTwins, with permission from the publisher. Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins , are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle, Vogue, and Good Morning America.

The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. They have authored four print books: AstroStyle , Love Zodiac , Shoestrology, and Momstrology, and have a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides.

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